Browse through the Script Department for the Finding Penrose film project.

Stewart Carry

Stewart Carry has been a judge, an editor and script editor for Page Turner Awards for a number of years.


Stewart, a Dublin-born writer, delves into intimate character portrayals, exploring the darker aspects of human nature and motivations behind actions.

With a portfolio including 12 feature films across genres, a comedy drama, sitcom, and miniseries for television, his success in competitions and festivals is noteworthy, ranking in the top 14 percent for the B.B.C. Writers’ Room in 2020 and being a finalist in prominent awards such as the Page Turner Awards and the Waterford Film Festival.

Stewart Carry script editor for Finding Penrose

Paula Sheridan

As a successful entrepreneur, Paula has been recognized with eight prestigious business awards. Her expertise in online content creation has earned her a reputation as a trusted guide for aspiring writers.

Beyond her personal achievements, she is dedicated to supporting fellow writers in realizing their creative ambitions.

As a successful entrepreneur, Paula Sheridan has been recognized with eight prestigious business awards. Her expertise in online content creation has earned her a reputation as a trusted guide for aspiring writers. Beyond her personal achievements, she is dedicated to supporting fellow writers in realizing their creative ambitions.

Finding Penrose is more than a book. It's a powerful story that demands to be heard.

author, screenwriter of Finding Penrose, Paula Sheridan has been recognized with eight prestigious business awards.