Ken can boast that he was involved with developing the Monster Munch snack brand for kiddies as well as being part of the team launching Tetley's round teabags.

Ken has a wide and varied career with top FMCG brands and was also on the Powwow water brand European launch!

Ken is an avid cyclist and is often seen winging his way through the Andalusian countryside and discovering new gastronomic delights to share with his award-winning author wife Paula.

Ken's career has moved from top consumer brands such as Courage Brewery, Cow and Gate and Smiths Crisps, Pepsi, Sunkist and Powwow Water.

I'm pleased to have been the first reader of Finding Penrose and even more delighted to see how the story has developed.

Ken is proud to have helped the team launching both Tetley's Round Tea Bags and Monster Munch crips, before moving to smaller entrepreneurial ventures iHubbub, Book Luver and Page Turner Awards.

Ken Sheridan, Executive Producer, Finding Penrose