Help bring 'Finding Penrose' to the world stage!

Find out how Kickstarter works so you are ready to dive in and get involved!

How it works


Ignite the journey! Spread the word about the captivating Finding Penrose Kickstarter Campaign. Become a catalyst for change by backing the project, even if it's just a fiver. Your support fuels the fire!


Join the inner circle! Subscribe now to be among the first to know the epic launch date. Don't miss your chance to be part of this groundbreaking journey from day one!


Make history on launch day! Back the Finding Penrose project as soon as it goes live. Your early support will be the rocket fuel that propels this incredible story to success!


Become an advocate for change! Share your passion for Finding Penrose with friends and family. Tell them why you've proudly backed and supported this transformative project. Your voice has the power to inspire others and create a ripple effect of positive impact!