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Story Sharing Social Post 1: 

In a world divided by colour, one man's quest for identity and belonging will inspire generations 🙌🏻

Discover the unforgettable story of Finding Penrose 📖

Find Out More 👉🏻 https://bit.ly/finding-penrose

#FindingPenrose #truestory #southafricanstories #truestoryfilm

#citizenofhumanity #southafricathroughmyeyes #southafrican #southafricanfilm


Finding Penrose


Story Sharing Social Template 2: 

On a desperate quest for his identity, Penrose confronts a dangerous world 🌍

Will he reclaim his past before the shadows seal his fate 🤷🏻‍♂️

Discover The Story 👉🏻 https://bit.ly/finding-penrose

#FindingPenrose #truestory #southafricanstories #truestoryfilm #faithinhumanity

#citizenofhumanity #southafricathroughmyeyes #southafrican #southafricanfilm


Finding Penrose Book Paula Sheridan


Similar Stories Post: The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind

Did 'The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind' touch your soul 🤷🏻‍♂️

Then 'Finding Penrose' is a must-read 📖

Find Out Here 👉🏻 https://findingpenrose.com 


#FindingPenrose #truestory #southafricanstories #truestoryfilm #truestories

#citizenofhumanity #southafricathroughmyeyes #theboywhoharnessedthewind #southafricanfilm


The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind


Similar Stories Post: 12 Years A Slave

Did '12 years a slave' touch your soul 🤷🏻‍♂️

Then 'Finding Penrose' is a must-read 📖

Find Out Here 👉🏻 https://findingpenrose.com

#FindingPenrose #truestory #southafricanstories #truestoryfilm #truestories

#citizenofhumanity #southafricathroughmyeyes #12yearsaslave #southafricanfilm

12 Years A Slave

Comparable Stories Post: 

Our goal is to inspire the same passion and progress through the tale of Finding Penrose 🎬

More 👉🏻 bit.ly/FindingPenroseKickstarter

#FindingPenrose #truestory #southafricanstories #truestoryfilm #truestories

#citizenofhumanity #southafricathroughmyeyes #kickstarter #southafricanfilm

Comparable Stories To Finding Penrose

Be a named character post

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Fancy yourself being a named character in a novel 🤷🏻‍♂️

Discover More 👉🏻 bit.ly/FindingPenroseKickstarter 

#FindingPenrose #truestory #southafricanstories #truestoryfilm #faithinhumanity

#citizenofhumanity #southafricathroughmyeyes #southafrican #namedcharacter 


Twitter Post - Be A Named Character in Finding Penrose Novel (Instagram Post)



Instagram Stories x9 post

Please share all x9 images in one go. Files are named 1-9 so you don't get confused on which order they need to be shared. 

Simply download them all. Go onto Instagram, click onto the + icon, click onto "story" and share number one starting first, all the way to number 9. 

Finding Penrose By Paula Sheridan


Finding Penrose By Paula Sheridan

Finding Penrose By Paula Sheridan


Finding Penrose By Paula Sheridan


Finding Penrose By Paula Sheridan


Finding Penrose By Paula Sheridan


Finding Penrose By Paula Sheridan


Finding Penrose By Paula Sheridan

Finding Penrose By Paula Sheridan