If Penrose's story resonates with you, please share these posts with your networks to maximize the reach and impact of his story and its far-reaching impact.


Here are social share suggestions based on Twitter's character limits and the different elements of our campaign. Please adjust if you want to add your support for Penrose's story.

More imagery will be available soon, so please come back to check or contact Paula if you would like a specific image created.



Hashtags To Share

Please feel free to choose a couple of these hashtags with your post on social media, which are shown below. You're welcome to use your own. And you can add #FindingPenrose

South African Hashtags


Kickstarter Hashtags


True Story Hashtags


Humanity Hashtags



Links to Share

Choose one of these links to use in your sharing message:

Messages to Share

Below is a list of sharing messages. Please feel free to choose any to share on your social networks, or use them to inspire you to choose your own message tailored to your personal style. Marry them up with hashtags above and images down below.



Story Line

Share Title: Uncover the gripping tale of Finding Penrose
Tweet: In a world divided by colour, one man's quest for identity and belonging will inspire generations. Discover the unforgettable story of Finding Penrose. #FindingPenrose #TrueStory #Inspiration

Country-Specific (South Africa)

Share Title: Finding Penrose: A celebration of South African strength
Tweet: Finding Penrose is a testament to the indomitable spirit of South Africa, showcasing the triumph of the human spirit in the face of adversity. #FindingPenrose #SouthAfrica #Inspiration

Genre Message

Share Title: Finding Penrose: A true story of resilience and hope
Tweet: Based on an incredible true story, Finding Penrose is a gripping drama that will inspire you with its message of resilience and hope. #FindingPenrose #TrueStory #DramaFiction

General Support

  1. Share Title: Help bring a remarkable true story to the world
    Tweet: Be a part of something extraordinary by supporting the Finding Penrose Kickstarter campaign. Your contribution will help share this inspiring true story with audiences everywhere. #FindingPenrose #SupportIndieProjects #MakingADifference
  2. Share Title: Discover the power of storytelling with Finding Penrose
    Tweet: Finding Penrose is a testament to the transformative power of storytelling. Support the Kickstarter campaign and help spread this message of resilience and hope. #FindingPenrose #PowerOfStories #InspireOthers


Images to Share

Below is a list of sharing messages. Please feel free to choose any to share on your social networks. Marry them up with hashtags above and images down below.


Please find a selection of Instagram Supporter Sharing Images here.

Facebook and Twitter

For Facebook and Twitter, please find a selection of Landscape and Square Supporter Sharing Images here.