I'm seeking to share Penrose's incredible true story of courage and resilience.

I'm seeking to share Penrose's incredible true story of courage and resilience. Dare I say...his life was stranger, and more inspiring, than any fiction!

This Kickstarter campaign will kick-start the book-to-film project, both to bring Penrose's remarkable journey to life - starting from his traumatic childhood, then continuing through his life during the apartheid era in South Africa, up to the decades he spent rediscovering his identity and purpose.

I feel compelled to illuminate Penrose's profound humanity and quiet perseverance in the face of unimaginable adversity. His story mirrors the experiences of millions still fighting for equality in South Africa and, indeed, around the world. Penrose defied the odds with an unassailable hope and dignity.

With your support, we can give Penrose the enduring legacy he deserves while creating understanding and uplifting voices that too often go unheard. This book and film will honour an ordinary man's extraordinary spirit. I imagine him beaming with quiet appreciation at the chance to uplift others.

Your contribution helps transform Penrose's story into one of inspiration and hope that resonates across cultures and generations.

By backing this campaign, you become part of sharing an eternal testament to the human capacity for courage. Let's keep Penrose's spirit thriving.