In South Africa's history of apartheid, African people were required to carry a government-issued "Dompass" - a passbook controlling their movement and residence.

In South Africa's history of apartheid, African people were required to carry a government-issued "Dompass" - a passbook controlling their movement and residence.

The Dompass

In South Africa's history of apartheid, African people were required to carry a government-issued "Dompass" - a passbook controlling their movement and residence. Without this document, Penrose faced severe challenges, unable to legally live, work, or travel freely in the country he called home. Even today, Penrose's experience resonates with countless individuals worldwide who remain stateless, undocumented, or deprived of legal recognition due to conflict, displacement, or systemic injustice.

The image is an example of a Dompass as featured in Finding Penrose.

Finding Penrose will connect with a global audience who recognize the struggles for identity, the fight against injustice, and the desire for a world where everyone can belong.

At its core, his tale serves as a powerful reminder that throughout history, authoritarian regimes have tried to strip away the basic rights and freedoms of certain groups through institutionalized discrimination and segregation based on race, ethnicity, religion, or other markers of identity. 

Overall, Penrose's story transcends borders and cultures to touch the hearts and minds of people worldwide, offering valuable insights, inspiration, and a powerful reminder of the ongoing quest for justice, dignity, and human rights for all.

Find out more about my inspiration for writing Finding Penrose